Post-Holiday Checklist  for Businesses

Returning to work after holidays can be chaotic for businesses, especially in ensuring smooth technology systems.  A post-holiday checklist can simplify the process and identify issues that may have arisen.  This guide provides a comprehensive list to ensure your business technology is back on track after the holidays.

1. Check that all devices are powered on and functioning properly. 2. Inspect for any physical damage or signs of wear and tear. 3. Test connectivity for peripherals such as keyboards, mice, monitors, and scanners.


1. Verify all software applications are running without errors or crashes. 2. Update software applications to the latest versions to patch any security vulnerabilities or performance issues. 3. Test critical software functionalities, such as email clients, accounting software, and CRM systems.


1. Review backups to ensure successful performance and backup of critical data. 2. Test data restoration procedures to verify backup restoration in case of data loss or corruption. 3. Check for unusual or unauthorized access to sensitive data during the holiday period. 4. Investigate any suspicious activities found during the check.


1. Inspect routers, switches, and firewalls for issues. 2. Test internet connectivity and bandwidth to meet business needs. 3. Review and update network security settings and firewall rules to protect against cyber threats.


1. Conduct a security audit to identify vulnerabilities or breaches during the holiday period. 2. Update antivirus software and perform full system scans. 3. Remind employees to change and strengthen their passwords.


1. Test communication systems. 2. Update contact lists and address books. 3. Communicate with customers and partners to inform them of any changes.


1. Document incidents and steps taken to resolve them during the holiday period. 2. Generate reports summarizing technology systems' status and identify needed actions to address issues. 3. Schedule regular meetings with IT staff or vendors to review post-holiday reports and discuss concerns and improvements.

Documentation & Reporting

Use this post-holiday checklist to ensure your technology systems are ready to support your operations.  Address issues proactively to minimize disruptions and maintain productivity as employees return to work.